Wednesday, May 20, 2015


            Isra and Mi'raj journey is blessed journey that shows how the Supreme Attorneys Allaah. How can a servant -Nabi Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, along with the spirit and the body a distance of thousands and even millions of kilometers in just one night only. And on the way so quickly that, God kuasakan Prophet Muhammad was able to look around that he passed, either incident or the current state of Isra and Mi'raj.
             Imam as-Suyuti are among the scholars who explained some of the wisdom of the trip Isra Mi'raj. He said the wisdom of the trip Isra done at night because the night is a quiet time alone and time specific. That prayer time required of the Prophet, as in his words, "Stand prayers at night" (QS. Al-Muzammil: 2) (as-Suyuti, al-Khasha-is-an-Nabawiyah al-Kubra, Page: 391 -392).
Abu Muhammad ibn Abi Hamzah said, "Wisdom Isra journey towards Baitul Maqdis before ascending to heaven is to reveal the truth of this incident and refuted those who want to rejected him. If the journey Isra of Mecca directly towards the sky, it is difficult explanations and proof to those who deny this event. When it is said that the Prophet started the journey Isra to Baitul Maqdis, people who want to deny also asked about the characteristics of Baitul Maqdis as they had ever seen, and they also know that the Prophet Muhammad had never seen. When the Prophet preach their characteristics, they are aware that the events of Isra at night it was really happening. If they justify what he said about the consequences Isra they also have to justify the rumors that came before (prophetic treatise). The incident adds to the faith of those who believe and make people grow harsh rebuttal wretched (Ibn Hajar, Fath Bari, 7: 200-201).
                And includes lessons journey Isra Mi'raj Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the cue for Muslims to preserve the earth's al-Quds from intruders and those who are not happy to Islam. Especially for the Muslims at this time, in order not to feel inferior, fear, and weak in fighting al-Quds from the hands of the Jews (al-Buthi, Fiqh ash-an-Nabawiyah Shirah, Page: 113)
The lessons from the events of Ascension in which the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam choose milk instead of khamr shows the nature and pure Islamic teachings in accordance with human nature. While the events of the sky before the opening of the doors locked, and Gabriel 'peace be upon him asking to be opened, such that the universe knows that before the coming of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam this has not been done. If it were not so, maybe people will think that the door is always open to the sky. And Allah Almighty also wanted to spread that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam known by the sky. Therefore, when the gates of heaven opened, and Gabriel said to guard the sky that he and Muhammad, the guardian angel asked, "Has he been sent?" Do not ask, "Who is Muhammad?" (As-Suyuti, al-Khasha- is an-Nabawiyah al-Kubra, 391-392).
          As-Suyuti continues, the wisdom he met with Adam "peace be upon him the first sky since Adam was a prophet and the first man. The second sky met the Prophet Jesus 'peace be upon him because Jesus is the closest to his time with the Prophet Muhammad' alahima shalatu wa salam. Then in the third heaven met with Joseph, because the people of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would go to heaven with serupawan appearance of the Prophet Joseph. Next Prophet Idris, said that it was he who first raised to heaven before Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad. Then met with the Prophet Aaron because he is the brother of Moses mendapinginya in fighting. After that met Moses because of the virtue he has spoken to by God. And last is the Prophet Ibrahim because he is the father of the father of the prophets choice.
           Imam al-Qurtubi stated, pengkhususkan Moses in the prayer event. Some say because Moses is the prophet of the closest position when the Prophet Muhmmad down. Some say his people more than the people of the prophet in others. There is another who believes because the holy book revealed to the Prophet Moses was the most glorious position and Sharia Law before the Qur'an was revealed. Or also for the people of Moses charged the people the practice of prayer as the other prophets, then they feel heavy with the law, then Moses sorry for the people of Prophet Muhammad. The latter is confirmed by the history of the sayings of Prophet Moses,
أنا أعلم بالناس منك
"I know the character more human than you."
No wonder the Qur'an contains a great many stories of Moses, the aim is for us a lot to take lessons from his life journey, traveling teachings, etc.
        Shari'a specialization prayer through Ascension trip because when the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Ascension in the evening, the angels are to worship. Among them were standing and not sitting, there were continued bowing and prostration, there is continued prostration and do not sit, then Allaah collect all this worship for the people of the Prophet Muhammad. A servant combine standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting in the cycles only (Muhammad Amin bin Ahmad Janki, ash-an-Nabawiyah Shirah min al-Fathi al-Bari, 1: 239-240).
        With this ascension journey Isra, God wants His servant and messenger felt a new period of preaching, as Moses also experienced a new period with departing directly preach to Pharaoh and the appointment of his brother Aaron to accompany the message. Moses before Pharaoh ordered to meet God has prepared with various miracles and virtues that he was ready. God said to Moses,
لنريك من آياتنا الكبرى اذهب إلى فرعون إنه طغى
"We show thee for a party of portents We are very big, Go to Pharaoh; indeed it has exceeded the limit. "(QS. Taha: 23-24)
          Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Allah prepare for a long trip with his mission took him to a phase where met with Jibril, prophets, heaven and hell, in order that his patience in the face of increasingly forged twists missionary trip. God spoke to the Prophet Muhammad,
لقد رأى من آيات ربه الكبرى
"Surely he has seen sebahagian signs (of power) the greatest Lord." (Qur'an, An-Najm: 18)
Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam privileged with mengimami prophets and raised toward Sidrat al-Muntaha, a feature that is not obtained by seoranng else but him.
           And the greatest wisdom of the trip Isra Mi'raj is disyariatkannya prayer. With the obligatory prayers implement the slave ubudiyah enforce an obligation that can reduce the passions, instill morals-noble character in the liver, purify the soul of nature coward, stingy, grief, and despair. With prayer we can invoke the aid of God of the problems we face. Allah Ta'ala berfiman,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا استعينوا بالصبر والصلاة إن الله مع الصابرين
"O ye who believe, and teach patience and prayers as penolongmu, verily Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 153)
إن الإنسان خلق هلوعا إذا مسه الشر جزوعا وإذا مسه الخير منوعا إلا المصلين الذين هم على صلاتهم دائمون
"Truly man was created to be groaning again miserly. When he was in distress he lamented, and when good he is very stingy, except those prayers, which are constant prayers. "(Qur'an, Al-Ma'arij: 19-23)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the one who always stands (prayer) bermunajat to his Lord, to the extent that he finds pleasure in his prayers. He said,
وجعلت قرة عيني في الصلاة
"And the conditioning made my heart in prayer."
May Allah make us among those who are passionate in his prayers and was not negligent in doing it. May prayers be conditioning our hearts and the way to get closer to our Lord. Amin ..

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