Wednesday, May 20, 2015

                          WAR BADAR

Kabi conspire towards muslims - attack banu asad khalid al-hudhali - bunuhnya khubaib
and the friends at raji - bunuhnya muslims at bi'ir ma'una - evacuation banu nadzir from medinah - expedition badr last - expedition dumat'l-jandal.

Ash sufyan return from uhud to mekah. messages the victory in advance until, greeted citizen with happy taste, because assumed can wipe off dirty that undergone quraisy during at badr. so until he is to mekah, direct aim ka'bah before he is go home to house. to hubal god biggest he is declare praise and thank god. mencukurnya in advance hair thereunder the ear, then he go home to as one who house has fulfilled promise that he not approach the wife before can beat muhammad.

On the contrary circle muslims, they see city medinah many asa strange once, although enemy permanent chase to chase they. during their continual three-day permanent resolute face enemy still not has courage face they are that. while not yet interval twenty four clocks ago enemy has felted as side win.

Muslims side has seen conditon medinah that asa many once experience change, although power muhammad at that city is permanent above. in the meantime axis prophet. felt, that
conditon really very crucial and dangerous once, not only in city medinah, even also exceed until to kabilah another arabian, really felt fear. event uhud bring roomy feeling to
they, so that thought by them that want to defy it again and hold opposition. by because that is him want once follow messages around citizen medinah and arabian circle usually, presumably will give a possibility laids return position, strength and muslims authority intoes their heart.

First message until to it after event uhud, that tulaiha and salama bin khuailid two bersaudara - and both time that is leading banu asad - call up the society and they are want obey it, to assault medinah and invade muhammad to in the house self with purpose get profit and seize livestock muslims maintained at arable lands around that city. causes them dare make so because opinion that muhammad and the friends still to suffer because experience great stroke during at uhud.

That message is betik also by prophet. he is soon call ash salama b. abd'l-asad ago menyerahi troop leadership consist from 150 person, belong ash 'ubaida bin'l-jarrah, sa'd b. abi waqqash and usaid b. hudzair. they are commanded so that walk in evening day and day it hid with go through road not usually passed person, so that don't there one who know their trace. thereby they can overpower enemy by suddenly once. this command is by ash salama is carried out. he is success invade enemy in conditon not ready. in morning blind they have been surrounded. beat him child the fruit in face that struggle. but side polytheist not can survive again. two troops soon sent to chase they and grab war loot there. he and child the fruit waits at place that while expect troop that pursuer returns to bring war loot.

After fifth that loot is taked for god, to apostle, person poor and person in trip, their rest is for their fellow, then they return to medinah with bring victory. authority
because event uhud that asa rather berkuramg, now begin to return again. only ash salama self alive not long again after that expedition. he suffers consequence bodily injury war uhud and that the bodily injury is not yet recovers true except appear from outside. but after he is work hard that the wound is opened and return mengucur blood, sufferred then until died it.

Thereafter then until also message to muhammad that khalid b. sufyan b. nubaih al-hudhali that nakhla or at 'urana gather person also want assault it. hear this muhammad soon delegate abdul b. unais canvass and mencek truth message. abdul walk aim to placekhalid, at the time menjumpainya he is presenting at house with with wifes.

" who are you, " ask khalid after abdul until.

" i am from group arabian also, " answer it. " hear monsieur gather person wants to assault muhammad so i come here. "

Khalid forthright, that him really is gatherring person wants assault medinah. after abdul see now he a self far from anak-buah - except wifes - look for it road so that he is want walk together. so he gets to chance menghantamnya person that is with the sword and he is even also meet the death. let it he is at hand isteri-isteri that swarm to weep over it. at the return to medinah menyampaikannya message that is to apostle.

After death that the leader, banu lihyan as branch hudhail during several time calm, now is beginning being thought will hold revenge with a tipu-muslihat.

In time that's kabi close to one another that is delegate group to muhammad with say: among we there are some islam person. send several person friend monsieur with we, can later teach law religion and koran to us.

To menunai that excellency religion task, every need in time that is muhammad always ready delegate friends to give guidance to person in know god and true religion, with to be follower muhammad and friends face opponent, like we have seen, when do they formerly delegated to medinah after confession 'aqaba second. therefore six person big friend then delegate it leaves together with that messenger group. but at arrival at a landing stage water belongs to hudhail at number hijaz, at a region called ar-raji, obvious they sell the pass, with that group action is that sure with ask aid hudhail. but this doesn't make sixth person muslims that so nervous fear, in that the equipment them just getting sword. class that muslims is soon pulls sword want to defend self. but side hudhail say to them:

" by god, we don't want to kill you. but with you this is us want to get profit from citizen mekah. we promise on behalf of god that us not aim kill you. "

Sixth person moslem that is berpandang-pandangan. they are aware that membawanya they are single to mekah that mean a humiliation actually wickeder from murder. they averse promise hudhail that,  and they are permanent
hold opposition, although they have realized, that in number as little as that is them over a barrel. three person from they are this is kill by hudhail, the rest more at the end of one's rope. they were all is caught and brought as prisoner, then brought to mekah and sold. abdul b. tariq, one of the from third islam person that is at middle road success release shackle from his arms then he pull sword. by because group other present at the hind, shower it he is with stone and he is puntewas hence.

second another prisoner person sempat brought by hudhail to mekah, then sold. zaid bin'd-dathinna sold to shafwan b. umayya expressly buy it to kill. he is extradited to nastas, the slave so that kill it as reply on the father death umayya b. khalaf. when brought, by ash sufyan he is menanya:

" Zaid, very kuharap once. bersediakah you give that your place to muhammad? be succumbed must cutted off the neck, you can return to your family. "

" Not, " answer zaid. " guess muhammad occupy him now this will suffer because thorn stab even if, i in place family, i don't agree. "
 ash sufyan amazed once, while he said:

" Not yet ever i am see somebody love the friend such aspect like friends muhammad love
muhammad. " zaid then kill by nastas. so he is even also fall as martyr that hold firm religion and prophet message. as to khubaib at that time in prison, then brought out to crucified. but he says to them:

" Can you let me merely do prayer two
raka'at? "

request such that is granted. iapun pray two raka'at well and perfect. then he looks them again:

" If not because you expected i expressly delay for fear of kill, undoubtedly i will still pray more amount of. " after he is raised and tied at on pillar wood, look at it they that is with droopy eye while he said:
 " Yes allah, count their number that, destroyed them
in a state of cerai-berai and don't let seorangpun from
they that. "

Hear voice hard that they are tremble, they me fall down self afraid hitted the a curse. thereafter he is even also kill. like zaid that fall as martyr, khubaib also then fall also as martyr for religion and to prophet. two ruh holy that is even also now fly also. while, actually they can resque self from that murder is if they want to so apostate leave the religion. but by their confidence is in god, to spritual glory and day then - when every only soul will get reply as according to the deed and bothing;there is no one who will shoulder another person load - they will see death that is - as alive aim - aim best in the alive by belief, by belied and by truth. they are even also sure that their blood, now spilled at
on earth mekah, will call the brothers and sisters class muslims so that enter that city as triumphant, smash idols, will clean all stain paganisma and life polytheisms. and purity
ka'bah as baitul be returned also as must it, clean from all names term besides asthma

In face of this event is orientalist side not speaks anything like when face prisoner event badr kill muslims side. they don't be out for look at disgusting deed betrayal mengia i banu hudhail towards two person those innocent, not apprehended from war field, but taken by tipu-muslihat, leave because command apostle with purpose so that teach religion to people who betrays them that, ones extradite they are to quraisy, after other the kith even also kills darkly and sly. class orientalist not consider disgusting deed quraisy towards two one who that unarmed, while what do they do a deed coward and hostility action so low. basically principle honesty that must be class handle orientalist,
felt not get what be done class muslims towards two prisoner of war badr that, will felt disgusting once towards betrayal quraisy that get capitulation two person to kill that, after four anothers imported on request they are to teach religion, in advance also they have killed.

All muslims felt sad, muhammad also felt so sad on disaster befall sixth one who fall
as martyr at god road because betrayal hudhail that. when that's hassan b. thabit send poems as elegy that deepen once make khubaib and zaid.

In the meantime more amount of muhammad think conditon muslims people. so afraid he is if such matter repeateds again. arabian society very will humiliate them.

Temporary he think such that suddenly come ember ash 'amir b. malik. muhammad offered to it so that he agrees to enter islam, but he averses. even though so also he doesn't show the hostility attitude towards islam. even he said: " muhammad, if there friendscan be delegated to najd and invite them that get your teachings
i shall hope them that will get. "

But muhammad will still afraid will release friends that is to najd and afraid he is region citizen that later will betray them will like ever be done hudhail towards khubaib and kith. he not sure and can not grant ember ash request.
 " i guarantee them, " he said again. " send messenger there to invite them get your teachings. "

Pail ash one who bidding among the society and heard person the word. whomever give it his protection not afraid get attack other party. thereby muhammad delegateal-mundhir b. 'amr from banu sa'ida with lead 40 choices muslims. they are even also leave. reach bi'ir masuna - between region banu 'amir and banu sulaim - they stop. from there they delegate prohibited b. milhan bring mail muhammad to 'amir bin't-tufail. but by 'amir that mail not membacanya, even one who bring it to kill,  and he asks aid banu'amir so that kill class muslims. but after they are averse to do infringement on responsibility and protection that given by ember ash 'amir ask aid kabilah other. this request is by them is filled and then together
he is they leave and surround group muslims at that place. see conditon this muslims side even also soon pull sword. they hold opposition with all efforts until final they are killed all. only ka'b b. zaid that still congratulation, let so by ibn't-tufail. obvious he is not yet die. then he even also go go home to madinah. and so do 'amr b. umayya, by 'amir bin't-tufail liberated because mengiranya he still bound with a intention the mother. on the way
go home midway 'amr meet with two person mengiranya join in assault the kith. membiarkannya second that man until sleep in advance, then menyerangnya and             kill it. after that is he is continue again the trip. at arrival at medinah memberitahukannya the deed that to apostle a. s. obvious second that man from banu 'amir, from ember ash group and also bound by a agreement jiwar (nabouring good) with rasulul,  and this mean must be finished with mengat.  doesn't play muhammad hold back feeling touched because murder at bi'ir ma'una that. really heavy the heart holds back mourning on friends that. he says: " this ash deed ember. all the time i have heavyhearted and so afraid. "

Also felt very pukul because infringement 'amir bin't-tufail on that self. therefore, rabi'a the child then act to strike hard 'amir with spear as reply on the deed towards the father. so taste depth mourning muhammad so that a month full every finished his dawn prayer pray good god holds revenge towards they are kill sahabat-sahabat that. and so do entire muslims people has joined in to feel s catastrophic befall the brothers and sisters seagama that, although with full belied that is them all fall as syuhada, and they were all will get heaven.  disaster befall class muslims at raji and at bi'ir ma'una remind hypocrite class and hebrew medinah victory quraisy at uhud,  and will make them will forget muslims victory on banu asad, also decrease opinion they are towards authority muhammad and friends. in face of this matter now prophet a. s. think with a thinking policies with opinion far. at the time danger biggest threatens class muslims attitude citizen medinah presumably humiliate authority they. so also very supposed by kabilah arabian, they can embedded dissension insides, will mean can evoke war brother if later there neighbour invade medinah. beside that is hebrew side and ones hypocrite impressing really is expect disaster that befall that. therefore melihatnya not there road other more gooder than let they, so that later intention they are forced open.

By because hebrew banu nadzir that is ally banu 'amir, so prophet leaves self to place they are - not far from quba'[ - with bring ten person muslims foremost, deliver he ash bakr, umar and ali. he asks aid banu nadzir in pay mengat two person kill not expressly by 'amr b. umayya that and not detect it also that prophet give protection to them.

Part sixteenth: influence uhud (2/2)
muhammad husain haekal

After explained the arrival purpose, they show happy attitude and with gladly heart ready grant.
but, temporary a part they passionate converse with he, melihatnya other conspire. one of the from them go menyisih to a place and apparently they are reminding death ka'b. asyraf. wrong a from them that (is 'amr b. jihasy b. ka'b) appear is enterring place house muhammad sits reclining at wall. when that's he felt suspicious once, more again because their collusion and conversation they that mendengarnya.

With such, secretly he is withdraw from that place with leave sahabat-sahabat. they guess he
go to a affair.

On the contrary side hebrew, they so quandary. doesn't know again they; what must they say,  and what else must they perbuat towards friends muhammad. if they this is that they will plung into undoubtedly muhammad hold revenge hard. if they are let, perhaps collusion they are towards muhammad and sahabat-sahabat permanent not be forced open. thereby their agreement is with permanent muslims side operative. so now they is trying is convincing those muslims guests may be can cause the loss of suspicion taste they without utterly menyebut-nyebut the mentioned.

But friends muhammad after long wait it, they are even also go also look for it. when there person come from medinah met, know them that muhammad reach that city and direct aim to mosque. they
also go there. he narateds to them hit what evoked suspicion from hebrew person attitude that is with their purpose is that wants to betray it. then they have realized to what they see that. they will believe sharpness opinion apostle with what revealed to it.

Then prophet calls muhammad b. maslama,  and he said:

" Go to hebrew banu nadzir and say to them, that is rasulul delegate me to you are all so that you
out from this country. you have broken agreement I made with you with your purpose has wanted to betrayi. i give time ten day to you. whomever will still be seen thereafter be cutted off the neck. "

Hebrew banu nadzir now is felting to desperate and quandary. on explanation that they not defend self again, they don't answer anything again; except he said to ibn Maslama:

" Muhammad, we shall not guess this matter will come person worn-out group. " this a hint about partnerships they are with side worn-out formerly in action with khazraj, but ibn maslama only answer:

" Person heart has changed. "

During this groups few days girded. but in in that is suddenly come also two person suruhan Abdul b. Ubayy with say: " don't there person want to leave houses you and thing treasure you. be really survive in your fortress is all. from my group self there two thousands person and rest from arabian group will joint us in fortress and they survive until points blood end, before there side other nudge you. "

Banu Nadzir hold negotiation on explanation ibn ubayy that. they add confused. there utterly unconvinced to ibn ubayy. isn't it true that formerly ever he is menjanji banu qainuqa like menjanjikannya to banu nadzir now,  but arrive his the time washes hand and disappear leave they? also they are detect, that is banu quraidza not can defend them remember existence a agreement with side muhammad. beside that, if they out from their village is that to khaibar or to place other close to one another they will still regain to yathrib when does their dates later bear fruit; they will pick dates fruit that is then return to their place at first. they will not experience many loss

" Not, " word huyayy b. akhtab their leader. " even we must send message to muhammad: that is us not will leave our village and harta-benda we. up to what memperbuat. we only live to repair entrenchment we; we shall enter this place is optional heart we. we will attune will wear will stroll we, we move stones to those place. our food provision is enough makes one year, water even also never brokened off. muhammad will not surround us one year full. "

But ten days lampau. they not also out from that settlement.

With bring weapon muslims side during duabelas evening give battle to oppose they. when that when appear muslims at stroll or at houses, they retreat to house next after houses that is they are topple. then muhammad command sahabat-sahabat menebangi dates trees belong to orangorang hebrew that, then burn it. thereby that hebrew ones will not too bound in harta-benda again and not too bouncy want to wage war.

Impaciently that hebrew ones bawls:

" Muhammad! monsieur prohibits person makes damage. disgrace monsieur one who make so. but why trees dates menebangi and burnt? ! "

In this case the commandement of god goes:

" which even also tree dates you fell or you let stand with the stick, with also allah permission, and
because he is want floute they are that break law that. " (koran, 59: 5)

In vain apparently that hebrew side waits aid existence from abdul b. ubayy or accomodation may be come and one of [the] arabian group. now they sure, that they only will kail destiny bad when then
bersitegang want to wage war. after obvious they are in despair and fear, they ask peace to Muhammad, ask guarantee security on harta-benda, blood with their breed children; until they are out from medinah. muhammad even also grant their request; their origin is out from city that: every three person given a camels with load harta-benda; food provision and drink at will they. at outside that is there is no. hebrew side gets. they led by huyayy b. akhtab.

On the way that is them there that stop at khaibar, other devolve trip until to adhri'at at number syam. harta-benda they are leave be goods muslims loot that consist of land product, weapon shaped 50 armor, 340 sword laths, at side soil property that hebrew ones. but this soil can not be assumed
as loot war; by hence not can distributed to class muslims, but special at hand rasulul later be determined self follow the policy. and soil that is then distributed to group muhajirin first at outside
group anshar, after taked part special the result will be right fakir-miskin. with such class muhajirin that not necessary again get class aid anshar and inipun be wealth treasure they. from side anshar that join in to get only ash dujana and sahl b. hunaif, registered as a poor.

Muhammad give part to them this like to class muhajirin.

From group hebrew banu nadzir self there's nothing enter islam except two person. they enter islam because treasure they, then they get back at.

Not so difficult one would evaluate muslims victory meaning with evacuation banu nadzir from medinah that, after we tell how apostle. a. s. calculate, that existence they at place that will give spirit in evoke seeds slander, will invite ones hypocrite that lift head every they are see side muslims gets disaster and threaten incidence war when there enemy assault class muslims.

About go it banu nadzir that surah hasyr (59) this go down:

" Doesn't you look at people who poseds hypocrite, say to the brothers and sisters not believe in from
book expert circle: if you are chased away out, undoubtedly we even also out with you,  and not occasionally we influenced by whom even also face your problem this; and if you will be be influenced undoubtedly we even also defend you. but god detects, that is them liar merely. even so they this chased away out, they even also will not come together out, also if they this fought, they
even also not join will help.  and even so they are until help, undoubtedly they will run will postpone self; then they this is not get accomodation. really at heart they are you very intimidated more than allah. such that's, because they are group doesn't understand. " (koran,59: 11-13)

Then surah that is continued with give explanation about belied and the power. only to allah only. for human soul, know price self and self honour, mengenalnya only god power.

" Succumbed allah. not god besides he. very detect all mysterious and real. he is merciful and humane. succumbed allah. not god besides he. very king, very holy. porter welfare, security, watchman everything, very authority, very brave, very great. very holy allah from all they persekutu. succumbed allah. creator, regulator, shaper aspect, to him there asthma beautiful. all exist in sky and under the sun loyal to it. and he is very authority, very wise. " (koran, 59: 22 - 24)

Until in time mengosongkannya medinah from banu nadzir, be prophet secretary at the time person hebrew. this matter is is meant to make easy letters delivery in hebrew language and asiria. but after ones hebrew out, prophet soes afraid if function that hold that the secret not at hand person islam. from circle islam boy at medinah memintanya zaid b. thabit so that study both languages, in all affair
then he will be prophet secretary. and zaid b. thabit this gather koran in time khilafat ash bakr,  and he also returns and supervise collecting when happen difference manner read in time government usman. then worn only mushhaf usman, other burnt.

Atmosphere medinah so peaceful after hebrew banu nadzir out. muslims side not again felt afraid towards hypocrite ones. even class muhajirin bersuka heart get soil former that hebrew ones. also circle anshar join in happy because muhajirin not again base on their aid. they were all heart felts roomy. in atmosphere so calm, safe and peaceful, good muhajirin also anshar, all they felt glad. in  them in conditon such, after expire time one year since event uhud, recall by muhammad 'alaihi'sh shalatu was-salam - pronunciation ash sufyan: " now this for war event badr. see you year in front of! " with the invitation to muhammad to hold war badr again. but year that is happening dry season (famine). ash hope sufyan sekira war that held during other.

To that is mengutusnya nusaim (b. mas'ud) to medinah with say to side muslims, that quraisy call up the army so big there is no the par in arabian history; ready will fight they, menghancur-luluh they so that will not remained again. apparently class muslims even also want to avoid that danger. many between they are that show aversion goes to badr. but muhammad get m because weak attitude and want lessened that. he swears say to they, that he go also to badr although alone.

See annoyance outside usually that all attitude progress retreat and timid feeling soon gones. class muslims now ready memanggul weapon and go to badr. in this matter is leadership city medinah by prophet is extradited to Abdul b. Abdul b. ubayy b. salul.

Muslims until at badr, now is expect arrival quraisy. they in arms. and so do side quraisy with ash leadership sufyan also leave from mekah with strength 2000 person. but after two days trip apparently ash sufyan want return go home. he memanggil-manggil the friends while he said:

" Brothers and sisters from quraisy, actually that fit to make us only in fertile season, now we in season dry. i am self want to return home. so go home you are all. "

They that return home.

Live again muhammad with muslims army during eight continual day expects them, during at badr that also their time is utilizes while trade. and in that trade is they are gets profit. they return to medinah even also then happily;gladly, get favour from god. in badr latest that's this the commandement of god goes:

" They are that say to the friends,  and they are self stay back: 'sekira they are that is mengikut we,
undoubtedly they are not die killed. ' say: try obviate merimu from death, if really you are ones
true. don't you guess people who is killed at that allah road die. not! they that is alive with get part from god. they are in happy atmosphere because favour that given also god; they so glad towards they are doesn't come along and stay back, that they don't felt afraid and not also griefstricken. they
glad because favour and taste god and god will not cause the loss of ones service believes in, people who fulfil calling, god and apostle although they experience disaster, people who does and can
take care self from crime; they that's get big reward. one who say to them: 'actually ones gather to want to oppose you. therefore want you are afraid to them. but this matter even increase strong belied they,  and answer them: enough god with us and he is patron as well possible. they return get taste and favour from god. they don't experience disaster,  and they are mengikut perkenaan Allah. and allah very giver favour big. such that is only devil intinidate the followers. don't you afraid to them, but afraid to me, if genuinely you ones believe in. " (qura'an, 3: 168 - 175)

With such war badr last genuinely wipe off war influence uhud utterly. make quraisy only live again wait chance other, permanently they bergelimang in dirt because character the coward not less the dirty from beating whom they suffer in war badr first.

By force of that god is muhammad felts roomy live at medinah, felt peaceful the heart because muslims authority now return. even though so he is always observant towards all tipu-muslihat enemy, always watch out to every direction.

Temporary in conditon such that, suddenly betik message, that is there a group from ghatafan at najd
is compromising to want to fight against it. and the tactics always in matter this overpower enemy according to suddenly before that enemy is sempat holds preparation defend self. by because that's, with strength four hundred his person leave to aim dhat'r-riqa. at place this is side banu muharib and banu tha'laba from ghatafan gather. so he is seen by they, he is direct do invasion to places they that. with leave womankind and treasure, they run helter-skelter. what can be brought by muslims membawanya,  and they return go home to medinah.

But, because menguatirkan side enemy will return assault them, day evening they are even also according to by turns hold guard. in the meantime in lead to pray also by muhammad done with prayer khauf. 1 in the case of this is a part they are look out on to direction enemy, because
menguatirkan perhaps enemy side follows to assault them, temporary they bersembahyang two raka'at together muhammad that.  but during that is there is no enemy shadow appear. then prophet and friends returns to medinah after 15 days leaves that city. successfully such this is them return happily;gladly once.

Shortly after that is prophet even also leave again in a expedition, that is expedition dumat'l-jandal. dumat'l-jandal this a wahah (oasis) in border hijaz-syam, lay in half way between red sea with gulf persian. muhammad self not until meet with kabilah want menghadapinya that and like assault caravans there; because new they hear the name, they fear and blurred more formerly, with leave thing treasure then brought muslims as goods ghanima (war loot). based on limit dumat'l-jandal geographically we can see how broadness influence muhammad and sahabat-sahabat that, how the far power they and how also entire that peninsula is felts afraid. so also we see to how muslims that is underwrite all kind load in that expeditions, with doesn't mind suffocating hot rnembakar, dry soil and dry, water difficult got, even death self even also not again they bother. only one that move them until achieve victory and successful that, give moral strength to they, that is: belied persistence, belied only to allah only.

Now is arriving the time is making muhammad is taking at medinah to during several months next, temporary expect quraisy until year in front of - year fifth migration - and run command god finish a composition society for people islam new grow that, a organization which is on at that time cover several thousands person and then will cover millions even hundreds million islam people. in make structure society that, he act with manner so accurate and very well, in line with god vision given to it, and menentukannya self also which appropriate with command and vision teachings that, with rules details by friends at that time given holy place,  and furthermore permanent operative so during the time and generation; vision not enterred meanness from manapun also, either from at first also after that.

Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Migration Muhammad May Allah Bless Him And Give Him Peace migration command - ali in place sleep prophet - at cave thaur - go to yathrib - story suraqa b. ju'syum - muslims medinah expect apostle arrival - islam at yathrib - muhammad enter medinah plan quraisy will kill muhammad in bighttime, because menguatirkan he migration to medinah and brace self at there with all disaster may be befall mekah and befall trade they are with syam as finally, the message until to muhammad. really not there person questioned, that muhammad will use to chance that is for migration. but, because so strong he can keep secret that, so that not a even also detect, also ash bakr, one who ever prepare two camel tail when will he ask permission to prophet migration, then adjourned, only a little detect the exercise. muhammad self really still to live in mekah when he has detected conditon quraisy that and when class muslims not there again that lives except a part little. in he will expect god command that will reveal to it so that migration, when that's he go to ash house bakr and tell, that allah admit he migration. memintanya ash bakr so that accompany it in the migration that, ago accepted either by ash bakr.
            At here begined it story most sparkleest and beautiful ever known human in chase history full danger, by truth, confidence and belied. before that ash bakr really prepare two tail the camel extradited the maintenance to abdul b. uraiqiz until later arrive the time is need. when does second that man ready will leave mekah they sure once, that quraisy certain will tag them. therefore muhammad will decide will go road other from usually,
also will leave not when does usually.
            Young men prepared quraisy to kill it evening that surround the house, because menguatirkan he run. in evening that migration also muhammad will whisper to ali b. abi talib so that wear the coat green from hadzramaut and so that lie down at place sleep it. memintanya so that sepeninggal later he is live formerly at mekah finish message goods one who menitipkan to it. in the meantime young men prepared quraisy, from a gap peep to prophet bed. they see there sesosok body at place sleep that and they are even also satisfied that he not yet run.
            But, approach lateness at that time, without setahu they muhammad out aim to ash house bakr. second that person is then out from back door window, and then leave for southerly aim cave thaur. that aim second person that is pass road right side outside guess.
            not a detect place cache they in cave that is besides abdul b. ash bakr,  and second person the daughter aisyah and asthma, with assistant they are 'amir b. fuhaira. task abdul days present at midst quraisy while overhearing discussion they towards muhammad, in evening the day then submit it to prophet and to the father. 'amir the task herd goat ash bakr afternoon it rest, then they are milk redden and prepare meat. when abdul b. abi bakr out return from their place, come 'amir follow it with the goat to wipe off the trace.
            Second that man lives in cave during three-day. temporary that is side quraisy try crass look for they without know tired. how not. they see danger very threaten them if they not success follow muhammad and prevent it to connected with side yathrib. during second person that is present in cave, not desist it muhammad called name allah. to it he is extradite that the destiny and really to it also all problem return. in in that is ash bakr turn on ear. he wants is detecting is ones is following trace they that success also.
            Then young men quraisy - from every group at take a that - come. they bring sword and stick
while go to and from look for to every corner. not far from cave thaur that is them come in contact with a shepherd, then menanya.
 " may be they are in that cave, but i don't see there one who aim there. "
            When hear shepherd answer that ash bakr sweaty. afraid he, they will invade into cave. he holds back motion less breath,  and only extradite the destiny to god. then ones quraisy come to climb that cave, but then there that go down again.
            " why you not look in to in cave? " ask the kith.
 " there nest spider at that place, really there [are] since before muhammad born, " answer it. " i see there two forest pigeon tail at that cave hole. so me detect
bothing;there is no person there. "

Muhammad more crass pray and ash bakr also more fear. he huddle self to that the friend and Muhammad whisper at the ear: " don't sorrow heart. god with us. "
            In books hadis there also source that mention, that after asa by ash bakr that they who looks for that approach him say under breath:
            " if they there that visit downwards certain will see we. "
 " ash bakr, if you guess that we are only both, the third god, " word muhammad.
            Ones quraisy more sureer that is in that cave is not there when see it there crotch that droop at cave mouth. bothing;there is no road one would can enter to depth without chase away branches that. when that's they then lessened return. second person hids that hear call they are so that return to place at first. belief and belied ash bakr growing larger to allah and to apostle.  " praise be to god, allahuakbar! " word muhammad then.
            Cobweb, two tail birds maiden and tree. here's mujizat told by prophet alive history books
hit cache problem in cave thaur that. and main mujizat because everything that formerly there is no.
but after prophet and the friend hids in cave, so hurry spider plait the nest to close one who in that cave is from sight. two tail birds maiden comes also then lay eggs at road enter. a bar of
pohonpun grow at place formerly not yet grow. connection with mujizat this is dermenghem say:
            " three events that is mujizat that told by islam history genuinely: spider nest, perch it
maiden bird and grow it trees. and third miracle this is every day the similarity always in earth. "
             But mujizat like this this not mentioned in mesh ibn hisyam when touch that cave story. at most by this historian is mentioned as follows:
            " Both of them aims to a cave at mount thaur a mount at under mekah - then step into depth. ash bakr ask the child abdul so that overhearing to what said person about they that daytime, then afternoon it so that return to present message that that day. 'amir b. fuhaira so that herd the goat daytime and mengistirahatkan return when afternoon it he returns to in cave. at the time, when has day afternoon asthma, come to present food that fit to make them. . . rasulul s. a. w. live in cave during three-day three evening. when does he disappear quraisy prepare one hundred camels for whomever can return it to them. abdul b. abi bakr day it present at midst quraisy listen their discussion and what do they discuss about rasulul s. aw.  and ash bakr, afternoon it he is return and
submit that message to them.
            'amir b. fuhaira - assistant ash bakr - time that herd naknya at midst shepherds mekah, afternoon it goat ash bakr that is mengistirahatkan, then they redden milk and prepare meat. if morning it abdul b. abi bakr starting from that place to mekah, 'amir b. fuhaira follow the trace with bring goat so that trace that erase. after expire three-day and orangpun begin calm, their safe, one who charterred to come to bring person second camel that is with the camel self. . .  and further. "
            Such ibn hisyam explain to hit that cave story we are nukil come up with time muhammad and the friend out from there.
            About chase quraisy towards muhammad to kill that with about this cave story comes the commandement of god such:
            " Remember when unbeliever ones (quraisy) that conspires make plan towards you, want to catch you, or kill you,  or chase away you. they make plan and allah makes also plan. allah best designer. " (koran, 8: 30)
            " If you not can help it, so also allah help it when he chased away by ones unbeliever (quraisy). he is wrong a from two person that, when both present in cave. that time is he is says to that the friend: 'don't sorrow heart, god with us! ' so god then give placidity to it and strengthen it with troop not you see. and allah make that unbeliever ones call also low and kalam allah that's tall. and allah very authority and wise. " (koran, 9: 40)
            In day third, when do both of them detected, that person calm has returned to hit their self, person charterred a while ago come present camel second that man with the camel self. also asthma, ash daughter bakr come to present food. by because when they leave bothing;there is no
something that usable hang up food and drink in saddle goods, asthma, tear to tie the waist then
half it worn to hang up food and half
again fastened. because that is he is then given name " dhat'n-nitaqain" (bersabuk two).
            They are leave. every person drive the camel self with bring food provision. ash bakr bring
limaribu dram and that entire the treasure there. they hid in that cave so tight. because they detect side quraisy very shiver and be careful once tag, so in trip to yathrib that is they take road not usually goed person. abdul b. 'uraiqit - from banu du'il - as signpost, bring they are be careful once to direction south at subordinate mekah, then aim tihama at elbow red seashore. by because they pass road not usually goed person, at bring it them to borthside across the that coast, with rather keep away it, take road most a little passed person.
            Second that man alongs with indicator the way along evening and at day time resides in on vehicle. not again they mind difficulty, not again they know tired. yes, which difficulty more they are daunt than action quraisy will block they will achieve aim want them reach by road allah and that truth! really, muhammad self never experience doubt, that god help it,  but " don't you fling down self to in disaster. " allah helps the servant during servant help self and help the fellow. they
step safely during cave.
             But what done quraisy for whomever can return they both or can show their place, so natural will interesting heart one who only interested in matter result although be got with
crime road. even less if we are remember arabian ones quraisy that really consider muhammad enemy they. in soul they are found a character tipu-muslihat, that kill one who not armed and assault side not can defend self, not a humble matter. so, two person that must genuinely observant, must open eye, turn on ear and full cognizance always.
            Second guess person that is doesn't slip. there [are] one who come to quraisy bring news, that is he is see serombongan camel vehicle consists of three person via.
 they are sure that is muhammad and several person the friend. at that time suraqa b. malik b. ju'syum present. " ah, they that is family sianu, " he said with purpose mengelabui person that, because he is self want to get present one hundred camels. a moment he stills live with
that ones. but then he is soon go home to the house. menyiapkannya the weapon and menyuruhnya person present the horse to midst stream in desert so that his time is out later is not seen person. furthermore drive it the horse and spur on it up at that mentioned that man a while ago.
            Temporary that is muhammad and second the friend has rested at under shelter a stone big, merely take a rest and cause the loss of taste tired while eats and drink, and merely return energy and new strength.
            Sun has begun bergelincir, muhammad and ash bakr even also also begin think will climb the camel will remember that the distance with suraqa more near. and before that is horse suraqa twice fall headfirst because too called up. but after that horseman see that he almost success and follow second that man - then will bring them will return to mekah or kill them when try to defend self - he forgets the horse that twice fall headfirst that, because moment victory likely at hand.  but that horse is fall headfirst again with hard once, so that the rider hurled from back animal that and fall stagger with the weapon. then forecasted by suraqa that it a address bad and he has believed that the god prohibit it chase that the target and that he will stay in danger big when until fourth his the time then try also. reach situ he stops and only call:
            " i am suraqa bin ju'syum! wait for, i want speak. by allah, messrs don't questioned i. i shall not will do something that will harm messrs. " after second that man stops to see to it, ask itto muhammad so that write a letter to it as proof for both parties. with prophet request, ash bakr then write that mail above bone or porcelain ago ask it to suraqa.
            After take it by suraqa that mail is him returns go home. now, when there person want chase muhajir big that by it maked hazy, after formerly he self chase it.
            Muhammad and that the friend is now leaves again pass outback tihama in suffocating hot is burnt by sand sahara. they across reef and valleys steep. and often also they don't get a certain will shelter their self from hot explosion high noon not there place take shelter from violence nature there at vinicity, bothing;there is no security from what they daunt or from will invade they suddenly, besides from heart determination and belied so deepen in god. their confidence big once truth given god to that the apostle. during seven day continual they are in a state of similar that. rest be dry season blaze hot and walk again along evening cross desert ocean. only caused by heart placidity in god and existence winks sparkling the stars in dark evening that, make heart and feeling they are asa more safe.
            When does second that man enterred region kabi banu sahm and come also buraida head kabi that greet they, then afraid feeling in the heart begins lost. so sure they are that god accomodation is there. their distance with yathrib now near once.
            During they are in trip really tire that, messages about prophet migration and the friend
follow kith other, get about at yathrib. this townee detect, how second person this experience violence from quraisy continual tag. therefore all class permanent muslims lives at place that is expect arrival rasulul with heart full yearn want see it, want listen say he said. many at between they are that is not yet ever see it, although hear about the conditon and detect enchantment the language with persistence the opinion. all that make them yearn once want meet, want see it. orangpun can estimate, how their heart depth is that angsang when detect, that foremost ones yathrib before that is never see muhammad be the follower only because hear from sahabat-sahabat, class muslims shiver to do islam religious proselytizing and very love rasulul that.
            Sa'id b. zurara and mush'ab b. 'umair sit on wrong a garden banu zafar. several person profess islam also gather there. this message is then until to sa'd b. mu'adh and 'usaid b. hudzair, in
time that is be leaders the group each.
            " Meet two person that, " word said to 'usaid, " come to region we are this is with purpose so that people who beggarly among we can humiliate family we. admonish them that and prevent. actually said b. zurara that still my cousin from side mother, so me not visit it. "
            'usaidpun go accost second person that. but mush'ab answer:
 " will you sit formerly and listen? " he said. " if matter this is you agree it can be kauterima, but if not kausukai will you hand free? "
 " fair you, " word 'usaid, while implant the spear at soil. he sits with them while listen explanation
mush'ab, obvious now he be a moslem. when has he returned to sa'd the face not again
like when leave. this matter makes sa'd get m. he self then go to meet two person that. but in reality
he likes also the friend. because influence insident that is sa'd then go meet
the group and say to them: " hey banu 'abd'l-asyhal. what do you know about myself
at your midst is all? " " our leader, most near to we, with
opinion and laudable experience, " answer them. " so your words, good also man for me holy
during you believe in to allah and the apostle. " since then entire tribes 'abd'l-asyhal, man and woman enters islam.
            Disseminate it islam at yathrib and muslims class courage at that city is before prophet migration to place absolutely at outside guess class muslims mekah. several muslims boys with not doubt monkey idols class polytheist at there. somebody named 'amr bin'l-jamuh has a made idol statue than wood bame manat, put at the environment region likes usually done by boblesse. 'amr this a leader banu salima and from their noble circle also. after that the group young men enters islam evening they visit that idol then at bring it and cupped the head into a hole by citizen yathrib
usually worn place passes.
            When betimes idol that there is no 'amr look for it until find again, then mencucinya and cleaned then put it return at place at first, while he accuse and threaten. but young men that repeating again the deed monkeys manat 'amr that, and float every day wash and clean it. after he
felt peevish hence, take it the sword and hang up it in that idol is while he says: " if you really useful, survive,  and this is sword with you. "
            But the following day the day he lose again,  and new find it return in a well mixed with dog dead body. the sword bo more. after then he is invited speak by several person figure the society and after see with eye head self how deviate it alive in polytheism and paganisma that, the truth will fling down human soul to in ravine not fitting again for a human, he is even also enter islam.
            See islam that achieve dignity so tall at yathrib, so easy person will evaluate, how culminate it citizen yearning city that is want greet arrival muhammad, after they detect he migration from
mekah. every day finished their morning prayer goes to
outside city wait a long time the arrival come up with time sunset in july month summer days.
            In the meantime he at quba - two farsakh the far from medinah. four days he lives in that place, accompanied by ash bakr. during time four that day mosque quba build it. temporary that is come also ali b. abi-talib to that place after return message goods - entrustto muhammad - to owners at mekah. after after, go through the trip to yathrib with walk. his bighttime walks, day it
hid. struggle very tire that underwrite it during two full week, that is to follow the brothers and sisters se religion.
            Temporary class muslims yathrib in a day wait a long time as usual suddenly come a hebrew
detect to what they is doing that bawl to them. " hey, banu qaila1 your friend here you are comes! "
            That day friday day and muhammad berjum'at at medinah. in place that's, into mosque located in stream in desert stomach ranuna that's class muslims come, each try want to see with approach it. they want to satisfy heart towards one who during the time never they see, heart
full love and belied summary the essay, and always the name is called in each time pray.
         Foremost ones at medinah offereds self so that he live in them with all provision and preparation there. but he apologizes to them. return him to on the female camel, mempasangnya string keluan, then he leave to pass stroll at yathrib, at midst class crowded muslims greet it and give road along road meliwatinya that. entire citizen yathrib, good hebrew also ones pagan watching
alive existence new bersemarak in their city is that, watching presence a bew comer, the big noise
unified worn-out and khazraj, during that is mutual hostile, mutual wage war. not rushed by in idea
they are - in moment this, moment transition history that will determine that bew the aim - will give fame and grandeur for city they,  and will linger during this history blooms.  let it that camel walks. at arrival to a place the wash dates belong to two person child fatherless child from banu'n-najjar, that camel kneels (stop). when that's apostle alights from the camel and ask:
 " whose this place? " ask it.
 " belong to sahl and suhail b. 'amr, " answer ma'adh b. 'afra. he is that orphan second guardian. he will talk exercise with second child that is so that they are satisfied. memintanya to muhammad so that at place that is founded mosque.

Muhammad grant request and memintanya also
so that on the ground founded mosque and residence.

Complete Discussion of Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad

Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad - Often in our society, in defining the Isra and Mi'raj, the Ascension of their merge into one same event. When in fact Isra and Mi'raj are two different events. And to straighten it, on this occasion I intend to discuss thoroughly understanding Isra and Mi'raj, the history of Isra Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad SAW as well as the wisdom of the trip Isra 'Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Definition / Definition of Isra and Mi'raj
Ascension are two parts of the journey made by Muhammad in one night alone. This incident is one of the important event for Muslims, because on this occasion the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa Sallam was ordered to perform prayers five times a day.

Isra 'and Mi'raj is a two-story different trips. Isra is the journey of the Prophet from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. While Mi'raj is the journey of the Prophet from the earth up to the seventh heaven and continued to Sidratul Muntaha (late outreach) of accepting orders in the presence of Allah.

However, because these two events occur at the same time then disebutlah Isra 'Mi'raj. During a trip accompanied by the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet riding Buraq. Isra 'Mi'raj occurred in a short time, ie in just one night.

Ascension occurs at the end of the prophetic period in Makkah before the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam migrated to Medina. According to al-Mawdudi and the majority of scholars, Ascension occurred in the first year before moving, ie between the years 620-621 AD According to al-Allama al-Manshurfuri, Ascension occurred on the night of 27 Rajab 10th year of prophethood, and this is popular.

However, Shaykh al-Mubarakfuri Shafiyurrahman refute this argument on the grounds that Khadijah radi anha died in the month of Ramadan 10th year of prophethood, ie 2 months after the month of Rajab. And then there is no obligation to pray five times a day. Al-Mubarakfuri mention 6 opinion about the time of the incident Ascension. But no one is certain. Thus, it is not known exactly when the date of the Ascension.

Ascension event is divided into two different events. In Isra, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam "dispatched" by God from the Haram to Masjid Aqsa. Then the Mi'raj Prophet raised to the sky to Sidratul Muntaha which is the highest place. Here he received a direct order from Allah to perform the five daily prayers.

For Muslims, the event is an event that is valuable, because when this is required to pray five times a day, and no other prophet who gets a trip to Sidratul Muntaha like this. However, this event is also said to contain a variety of things that make Rasullullah SAW sad.

History / Journey Isra 'Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad
The journey begins with Gabriel Prophet buraq riding. Gabriel said, "come down and do prayer".

Rasulullahpun down. Gabriel said, "where are you now?"

"Do not know", said Rasululullah.

"You are in Medina, that's where you will emigrate", said Gabriel.

The journey continued to Syajar Musa (Masyan) a termination when Moses fled from Egypt, then returned to Tunisia where Moses received the revelation, then to Baitullahmi (Bethlehem) the birthplace of Prophet Isa AS. Then came the Prophet Muhammad's chest cleavage washed with Zamzam water by the Angel Gabriel in addition to the Kaaba before leaving for the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem as the center of the previous prophets.

Arriving in Jerusalem, Gabriel Prophet and tether lowering the vehicle. After Rasululullah entering the mosque appeared to have waited for the prophets and apostles. Rasulululah asked: "Who are they?"

"Your brother the Prophet and Messenger".

Prophet Muhammad became a priest for the previous prophets as sunnah salat two cycles in Masjidl Aqsa. Gabriel brought two glasses of beverages containing milk and wine, the Prophet chose milk as a signal that Muslims will not get lost.

Then Gabriel guided the Apostle kesebuah large rock, suddenly Rasululullah see a very beautiful staircase, the base in Maqdis and ends touching the sky. Then Rasulullah with Gabriel climbed the stairs toward the sky seven and to Sidratul Muntaha.

"And indeed the prophet Muhammad had seen Gabriel was (in apparently genuine) at other times, namely in Sidratul Muntaha. Nearby is a haven shelter, (Muhammad saw Gabriel) when Sidratull Muntaha overwhelmed by something that enveloped him. Vision (Muhammad) did not turn dariyang tidakpula saw it and beyond it. Indeed she has seen sebahagian signs (of power) the greatest Lord. "(Qur'an, An-Najm: 13-18).

The first sky Muhammad met with Prophet Adam, in the second heaven met the Prophet Isa and Yahya US, third in the sky met the Prophet Yusuf, in the fourth heaven Prophet Idris met with the US, in the sixth sky met the Prophet Musa and in the sky The seventh meeting with Prophet Abraham

From Sa'id bin Al-Musayyib, from Abu Hurayrah, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

«حين أسرى بى لقيت موسى - عليه السلام -». فنعته النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم- «فإذا رجل - حسبته قال - مضطرب رجل الرأس كأنه من رجال شنوءة - قال - ولقيت عيسى». فنعته النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم- «فإذا ربعة أحمر كأنما خرج من ديماس».
- يعنى حماما - قال «ورأيت إبراهيم - صلوات الله عليه - وأنا أشبه ولده به - قال - فأتيت بإناءين فى أحدهما لبن وفى الآخر خمر فقيل لى خذ أيهما شئت. فأخذت اللبن فشربته. فقال هديت الفطرة أو أصبت الفطرة أما إنك لو أخذت الخمر غوت أمتك ».

"When I diisra'kan (diperjalankan), I met Musa 'alaihis greetings." Then the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam mensifatinya by saying that he is a man who is not fat between straight and curly hair and looks so handsome.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "I also met Jesus." Then he mensifati' Isa that he is a man who is not too high, not too short and reddish skin as if just out of the shower.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "I also met Ibrahim -shalawatullah' alaih- and I are descendants of Abraham are most similar to it. I came with two containers. One of them contains milk and others khomr (wine). Then there were telling me, "Take whichever you like." I also chose the milk, then I drink it. "He also said," You really are in fithrah. Suppose that you take is khomr, of course your people will go astray. "(HR. Muslim no. 168).

"Glory to God, who has memperjalankan his servant on a night of Al Haram Al Aqsa Mosque which We have blessed around it so that We showed him some of the signs of (greatness) Us. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing. " (Q.S Al Isra (17): 1)

Furthermore, the Prophet went on to God unaccompanied Gabriel. Prophet read the meaning: "All honor belongs to God, all the grace and kindness".

Allah says which means: "Safety for you, O prophet, grace and blessing".

Rasul read again, which means: "I hope for our safety and the servants of God are pious."

Allah says: "O Muhammad I take you as a lover, as I have taken Abraham as a favorite of the word, and I will give thee, as the LORD commanded Moses I also make your people as the best race ever issued in humans, and I will make them as people wasath (fair and option), then take what I give thee, and be thou among those who are grateful. "

"Go back to your people and Convey to them from me". The Prophet then received orders to bring the trust of Allah in the form of prayer 50 times a day and night of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers.

Then the Prophet down to Sidratul Muntaha. On the way home in the sixth sky, he met Musa There was a conversation between the two, Moses asked what Muhammad brought after facing God. Muhammad then describes the command to pray 50 times a day and night. Moses then ordered Muhammad to go back to God and ask for relief.

Muhammad went back to the presence of God for relief. The request is granted, the order of prayer is revealed to be 45 times. After that Muhammad back and meet again with Moses. Narrated Prophet Muhammad had several times back and forth to ask for waivers prayers, and finally fell to five times in a day and night.

After the prayer command revealed to be five times a day and night, narrated that the Prophet Moses was told Muhammad to ask for leniency. But the Prophet Mohammed did not dare to do so because of shame on God, he was willing and sincere to such provisions. The Prophet finally returned with orders prayers five times that we know as the dawn prayers, the Noon, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

Then Gabriel said: "God has given you the honor with respect that was never given to one of his creatures both nearby angels and prophets sent. And He has made up a position which none of the inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth can accomplish. Blessed are you with the respect given unto God in the form of a high position and the glory that is unequaled. Take the position to be grateful to him for giving favors that the Lord God loves those who are grateful. "

Then the Prophet praising God for all that.

Then Gabriel said: "Go to heaven that I showed you what is yours there so that you are more ascetic in addition zuhudmu existing ones, and to the one in heaven with Allah's permission. There is not a single place I let missed ". The Apostle saw the buildings of pearl diamond and the like, Rasul also see trees of gold. Rasul see what heaven has never seen eye, ear has never heard and did not occur in human hearts. All that makes the Apostle amazed and heaven are supposed to pursue human charity. Then Rasululullah shown hell so that the apostle can see the shackles and the chains further Prophet down to earth and back to the haram Mosque before dawn.

The mandate Salah got 5 times
It seems more reasonable to question, not how Isra 'Mi'raj, but why Isra' Mi'raj happen? Answer this question as we have seen in paragraph 78 letter al-lsra ', Mi'raj was to receive a mandate to pray five times. So, prayer is at the core of the Isra'Mi'raj event.

Salah is a medium to achieve piety between a servant to God. Salah is also a means to be a balance egalitarian society, civilized, and peaceful. So no exaggeration when Alexis Carrel stated: "If devotion, prayers and sincere prayer to the Almighty creator removed from the center of social life, it means that we have signed a contract for the destruction of the society". Please note that A. Carrel not the person who has the educational background of religion, but he was a doctor and Humanities expert who has twice received the Nobel Prize for his research on the sparrow and pencangkokannya heart. Carrel without any opinion, Al-Qur'an 15 centuries ago have stated that the prayer is done with khusu 'will be able to prevent the shameful and unjust deeds, so as to create a harmonious society, egalitarian, and ethical.

Lessons Ascension of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Prayer command in the course of Isra and Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad, then becomes worship obligatory for every Muslim and has a distinctive feature compared to other obligatory acts of worship. Thus, in the context of pious and spiritual-rational-scientific perspective, Isra 'Mi'raj is a study that never dry of inspiration and a lesson for the religious life (Islam).

Relying on these reasons, Imam Al-Qushayri who was born in 376 AH, through the original book entitled 'Kitab al-Mi'raj', seeks to provide a fairly comprehensive maps about the stories and wisdom of the great journey Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad, along with his study. By using primary sources, such as the verses of Al-Quran and hadith-hadeeth, Imam al-Qushayri quite clearly said that the Prophet experienced phenomenal event with coherently.

In addition, the book also tries to invite the reader to listen to so detailed and profound sacred story of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as the secret behind this extraordinary event, including about why ascension at night? Why should pierce the sky? Whether God is on? Mukjizatkah ascension was that she could not happened to someone else? Or is it a kind of spiritual tour Prophet that we should emulate?

What about the ascension of the Prophet other and the trustees? What we ascension as a Muslim? And what a lesson for our lives? All explicitly discussed in this book.

In a sense, Isra 'Mi'raj is a sacred journey, and not just the trip "travel" to the Apostles usual. So that this event becomes a historic journey that will be the turning point of the revival preaching of the Prophet Muhammad. John Renerd in the book "In the Footsteps of Muhammad: Understanding the Islamic Experience," as once quoted Azyumardi Azra, said that Ascension is one of the three most important journey in the life history of the Prophet Muhammad, in addition to traveling to move and Hajj Wada. Ascension, according to him, is really a heroic journey in taking the perfection of the spiritual world.

If traveling migrated from Mecca to Medina in 662 AD became the beginning of the history of the Muslims, or the Farewell Hajj journey that marks the mastery of the Muslims on the holy city of Mecca, the Ascension be the highlight of the journey of a slave (al-abd) towards the creator ( al-Creator). Ascension is a journey toward spiritual perfection (perfect man). Thus, this trip according to Sufis, is a journey leaving low earth high into the sky.

This is a very coveted trip every pengamal Sufism. Meanwhile, according to Dr Jalaluddin Rachmat, one of the important moments of the event when the Ascension of the Prophet "encounter" with Allah. When it is, with respect Messenger said, "Attahiyatul mubaarakaatush shalawatuth thayyibatulillah"; "All honor, glory, and majesty belongs to God alone". Allah also says, "Assalamu'alaika ayyuhan nabiyu warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh".

Hearing this conversation, the angels proclaimed simultaneously two creed sentence. So, from a historic expression of these readings is then perpetuated as part of reading the prayer.

Moreover, Seyyed Hossein Nasr in the book 'Muhammad Beloved of Allah' (1993) revealed that experienced spiritual experience when Mi'raj Prophet reflect the spiritual nature of prayer that run everyday Muslims. In the sense that prayer is the ascension of his faithful people. So if we pull the threads, there are a couple of sequences in the Prophet's journey.

First, the existence of suffering in the struggle that addressed with patience in. Second, patience is a fruitful reward of Allah be traveling Ascension and commands prayer. And third, prayer becomes a weapon for the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims to rise up and seize victory. Three things above has been summarized beautifully in one of the verses of the Koran, which reads "Make patience and prayers as penolongmu. And indeed that, it was tough, except for those who are humble. (Namely) those who believe, that they will meet their Lord, and that they will return to Him. "

Referring to the various aspects of the above, the book is at least as thick as 178 pages is very interesting, because in addition to providing a fairly complete frame of the events of Isra ascension of the Prophet, but also contains some of the Prophet's Ascension others and some trustees. Then another advantage in this book is presented is also the story of his Ascension Abu Yazid al-Bistami. Mi'raj for this renowned scholars a reference to the condition, status, and his spiritual journey toward God.

He described the road signs towards God, honesty and sincerity of intention spiritual journey, as well as the necessity to break away from everything other than God. So, come to a conclusion, that if the trip moved into the beginning of the history of the Muslims, or the Farewell Hajj journey that marks the mastery of the Muslims on the holy city of Mecca, the Ascension into the "peak" trips of a servant toward spiritual perfection.

Isra 'Mi'raj is also a great event which is now recognized by science and technology, because apparently it is so that it can happen that the Prophet really moving from Mecca to Palestine, and then forwarded to Sidratil Muntaha just in time was not until one night. Scientific viewpoint that this is a phenomenal event and controversial. The phenomenon of history that this event has never happened and believed would never happen again.

Isra 'Mi'raj is phenomenal in terms of history, because it had never happened in humans. Before the Prophet Muhammad had ever occurred on the object. The objects can move from place to place far away in the order of fractions of seconds. That event the transfer of the throne of the kingdom of Saba Queen Balamah to the Kingdom of Solomon. At that time Solomon asked its staff when it was accidentally collected by it. Prophet Solomon told his staff to conduct a surprise to the Queen Balamah that when it is heading into the kingdom of Solomon. Turns Solomon wants to move the throne of the Queen Balamah to his kingdom. Prophet Solomon asked its staff who could do it.

Who volunteered first is Jin Ifrit. Asked by Solomon how long he could move it. Answered by Jin Ifrit that he could do so before Solomon stood up from his seat guaranteed to the throne was already up in front of him. Obviously this is very fast, but it was Solomon not satisfied with that.

Then Solomon asked again to its staff who could be faster to do so. Who volunteered and then was in fact a man, the man who mastered the science of al-Kitab. The man was then asked by Solomon how long he could do it. Was answered by the man that he could do so before Solomon flashing again. Apparently it is true, before Solomon flashing, the throne of the Queen Balamah already in front of him. One blink means the time is less than one second. Relating to the Isra 'Mi'raj, the Prophet Muhammad turns trip occurred in less than the blink of any eye.

And Isra 'Mi'raj also phenomenal in terms of science. (More details, can be read here: The journey Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad Consulted on the Viewpoint of Scientific). To explain the Isra 'Mi'raj, it turns out we have to explore cutting-edge science. If the old science may not be enough to explain the events of Isra 'Mi'raj. So that in those days people perceive that the Prophet Muhammad traveled Isra 'Mi'raj by riding Buraq. Buraq it then there is drawing the shape as the winged horse, there also illustrates that buraq it resembles a human head, even some that describe buraq head in the form of a beautiful woman. This kind of thinking is certainly typical of medieval, as it travels fastest when it is by riding a horse. But the horses could not fast. Therefore digambarkanlah the winged horse.

With a scientific approach it can be explained that the actual transfer of the Prophet from one place to another in the event of Isra 'Mi'raj took place in the light. Isra 'Mi'raj is certainly controversial almost 1500 years among religionists and scientists because it is difficult to explain. Always there who do not believe, doubt, and some are believed since his lifetime the Prophet until now. Who hesitated until now of course it still exists, even among Muslims themselves. When asked whether the journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Palestine was with her or not. Some say that it was just a vision alone. There is also a saying that it is only the spirit alone. Some say it was just a dream. And some say that the event was experienced by the Prophet Muhammad with the body.

Who believes that the Isra 'Mi'raj was experienced Prophet Muhammad with the body is referring to Abu Bakr Siddiq. When that Abu Bakr was asked whether he believes the incident. Then asked by Abu Bakr told who asked him who tells it. Answered by Abu Bakr who asked that tells it that it is the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Bakr said, that if the Prophet Muhammad who tells it, he believed, because the Prophet never lied.

Abu Bakr way of perceiving the Isra 'Mi'raj is by some declared that religion was no need to think. And if in fact when it noted that Abu Bakr think first, because he asked that who is telling it. If indeed the Prophet Muhammad who tells it, he believes the truth as told by Prophet Muhammad. But if that is not the Prophet Muhammad told Abu Bakr would not immediately convinced of the truth of the story. So in religion indeed we must think, do not go along with it. The syntax is very clear in the Qur'an: And do not follow what you do not have knowledge of it. Truly hearing, sight and hearts will all be questioned. (Q.S. al-Isra '[17]: 36)

Despair logic of Isra 'Mi'raj
So far in telling Isra 'Mi'raj if we're dead end, then we say that if Allah wills, then everything can happen. We will not get any lesson with this way of thinking. Whereas any events revealed by God, then there is always a lesson in it for us. Allah says:
Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people of understanding, (Surah Al 'Imran [3]: 190)

We are commanded to be ulil albab, that is, those who use their intellect to understand all the events, so there are lessons from each incident.

Scenario Ascension and Physical Interpretation
The journey Isra 'Mi'raj it consists of two stages: a stage landscape (horizontal), while the other one is a vertical stage to the seventh heaven. Stage horizontal told in the Al-Isra first paragraph:

Glory to God, who has memerjalankan his servant on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque which We have blessed around it so that We showed him some of the signs of (greatness) Us. Indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. (Q.S. al-Isra '[17]: 1)

In a review of Agus Mustofa (2006: 11), there are at least eight key words to note an important and demanding our understanding through the boundaries of the sky to interpret this controversial trip. Well, if we try to decipher the meaning of these words, it will be like this:
First, the text begins with the word "subhânalladzî". The word "Subhanallah" taught us to say when we see the events were amazing, charming, great, outstanding. That is, by starting the story uses the word "subhânalladzî" God actually informs that story to be told is not the usual story, but the story is an amazing story and amazing.

Second, the word "ASRA". The use of the word "ASRA" has several meanings. The first is that it is a migratory journey. So use this word mengcounter understanding or conclusion which states that the Prophet did not move the trip point. The latter meaning that the trip was the Prophet diperjalankan, not walk alone, and not also on their own will, because these events are too powerful to be done by the Prophet.

Third, the word '' abdihi "which means servant of God. Servant of the employer is a not dare argue, obedient, devoted his whole life to his employer, for his Lord. Who can experience this great trip is not a man who carelessly quality, but a man whose quality has reached the level of a servant of God, that man like Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, we may not be able to receive when the Prophet Muhammad depicted got orders prayer 50 times, then he bid the command of God. Prompts bargain was coming from Moses. Illustrated that the bargaining was going on up to nine times the Prophet Muhammad alternating meet God, which finally received orders fard prayer of the Prophet Muhammad to five time a day and night.
We may not have the heart to imagine the Prophet Muhammad were so obedient to God who never denied that received revelation and commandment of God that in this version of the story portrayed through nine times bargained with God to reduce the number of obligatory prayers which ruled him. Described in this version of the story that Moses is more superior than the Prophet Muhammad, so the Prophet Muhammad dipingpong by Moses back and forth to meet God pleading for the number of obligatory prayers that God commanded it reduced. Surely we should also remember that Moses is the prophet of the Israelites (actually also the prophet of Muslims / people of Prophet Muhammad), but the children of Israel did not accept the Prophet Muhammad. For the Israelites, Moses is more powerful than the Prophet Muhammad, so in this version of the story of the Prophet Muhammad dipingpong only. So this measure is the hadith Israiliyat.

Fourth, the word "laylan" which means it is a night trip at night. This shows as an affirmation that night journey was not all night, but only a small part of the night. So that in some hadith narrated that when the Prophet went from home to leave her bed, then headed to the Haram, and then events Isra 'Mi'raj is. When the Prophet returned to his house, turns his bed still warm. This suggests that when it was time he did not leave his house. In another hadith is also narrated that when the Prophet left his home, he knocked over a drink later spilled, and it turns out when the Prophet returned to his home, from where drinking water was still dripping disenggolnya. This shows that in fact Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet experienced took place in a short time and quickly.

Imagine, just an overnight trip still difficult to accept, let alone traveling in an instant that it was probably only a few minutes, or maybe just a few seconds.

Fifth, terminal ilal Harami Mosque Aqsa Mosque (Haram to Masjid Aqsa). Why the Prophet's journey from mosque to mosque? Why did not from his home or from the Cave of Hira to a destination other than the mosque (of a place that is not a mosque to another place that is not a mosque as well)?

Keep in mind, that the mosque is a place that holds enormous positive energy. With the aura camera that can photograph and videotaped anything, if there are people who are dhikr or reading the Koran, it turns out that person emits bright light. Unlike the case with people who are angry, depressed, or stressed, then that person will emit red light. This aura color graded, from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, to white. Each of us radiate energy. Will be radiated energy from any activity that we do, and the energy that we are stuck in place at the time. It made an impression energy, so that all the activities we will be recorded. Allah says:
There's nothing like a ucapanpun was saying but there is a nearby angel supervisors are always present. (Q.S. Qaf: 18)

Raqib and Atid is then used as the name of the angel who recorded the good and evil deeds. The recording in three-dimensional space, and one day will be played again. Allah says:

Indeed, you are in a state of neglect of the (case), then we reveal than you cap (covering) your eyes, then your eyesight is very sharp on that day. (Q.S. Qaf: 22)

The court Hereafter, man will be able to see the whole act of doing in the world.
The mosque contains a very large positive energy, especially mosques are often used as a place of worship. The more frequent, more and more, and the more solemn, the energy will be even greater. Prophet departed from the mosque toward the mosque. Departure terminal at the mosque.

Sixth, bâraknâ hawlahu (which We have blessed around it). God bless all the way it is, this is because the journey is dangerous. With the blessing of Allah the Prophet condition remained improved.

Seventh, linuriyahû min âyâtinâ (so we showed him some of the signs of (greatness) Us). In the course of Isra 'Mi'raj when the Prophet was shown the various events. Why be like that, while it is a very short time. That is what is referred to as the relativity of time, that there is a time difference between the high speed with low speed. We know that among people who sleep with people who are conscious (awake) was a different time. For example, there are suddenly falling asleep that it only briefly (perhaps only a few seconds), and awoken the sleeping. Sleeping was awakened, and he just told me he had a dream. The story was so long, as if the dream was very old, and he just fell asleep a few seconds. Likewise with the Prophet, even though the trip that happened it lasted only a split second, but he revealed a wide variety of events by God. This is because the memberjalankan Prophet is God that no other substance is the Hearer, the Seer. Kemahamendengaran and kemahamelihatan God is transmitted to the Prophet Muhammad, so the Prophet's ability to see and hear better than before.
And the keyword of the last (eighth) is innahu huwas samii'ul bashir, verily He is Knower, Seer. This is a confirmation process information the previous sentence. With the existence of this sentence, as if Alalh want to give assurance to us that what He has told in this verse is true. Why? Because this news comes from God, the Lord is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. Then there should be no hesitation about this phenomenal story (Mustafa, 2006: 41).
Furthermore, the Mi'raj told in surah an-Najm 14-18:
(14) (ie) in Sidratil Muntaha. (15) Nearby is a paradise place of residence, (16) (Muhammad saw Gabriel) when Sidratil Muntaha overwhelmed by something that enveloped him. (17) His eyesight (Muhammad) did not turn away from that saw it and not (also) go beyond it. (18) Indeed, he has seen sebahagian signs (of power) the greatest of his Lord. (Q.S. an-Najm: 14-18)

Near Sidratil Muntaha, the Prophet witnessed heaven. Certainly not careless people who can see heaven, because the angle must be the highest pasture in this universe. Of the invisible world, even if only partially visible. So, if we feel happy, then it's possible we have gained happiness of heaven, but only very few in comparison, maybe like a drop of water compared with the ocean, it was a drop of water is infinitely subdivided. Conversely, if we suffer, it is the suffering of hell, but the scale is infinite.
So where was the Prophet wandered? He crossed the sky or directly into Sidratil Muntaha that we do not know where it is.
How great sky space universe. Is the sky? The sky is the entire universe of this room. Sun surrounded by planets, the earth where we live is one of the planets around the sun. The sun that had a great look, the farther we see the less. When the sun we had seen that the smaller, then typically we no longer call it the sun, but we call stars.

Thus the amount of sun it turns out, all the stars are actually the sun. It is estimated that the amount of trillions. Suns (stars) were clustered to form galaxies. Galaxies are hordes of sun (star), in the middle there is a larger sun, and around it there are about 100 billion solar (star).

The stars were clustered around the center to form a galaxy. Galaxy where Earth and our sun is is the Milky Way. Next to the Milky Way galaxy Andromeda there whose contents are also expected 100 billion sun. The galaxies are estimated trillions of numbers. Astronomers even run out of names to call because so many galaxies.

The galaxies are clustered-clump turns again forming larger gangs called a supercluster. It contained an estimated 100 billion galaxies. Do supercluster is the largest and farthest objects in the universe, until now no one knows.

The distance of the earth to the sun is 150 million kilometers. If passed, the light takes 8 minutes. So, if we see the sunrise that light to our eyes, the light reaching our eyes is actually not the sun now, but the sun eight minutes ago. The sunlight that runs for 8 minutes then get to our eyes. While the twin star (Alpha Century) distance from Earth is 4 years of traveling light. If we see the twin stars at night, then in fact it is not a binary star light at the time, but 4 years ago. Behind again no stars within 10 light years of travel. Imagine if we want to the star within 10 light-years away using the fastest plane of human beings, for example using the space shuttle speed of 20 thousand kilometers per hour. What happens next? It turns out it takes 500 years to get to the star.

It turns our planet is not a big thing in the universe, but a very small objects. Behind the star within 10 light years no stars within 100 light-years away, in the back there again within 1000 light years, which is 1 million light-years away, and is also within 1 billion light years. That is the farthest known by Japanese scientists that within 10 billion light years. So, our earth is just a speck of dust in the universe desert highway.

Thus, humans are the dust of the earth, the solar system dust of the earth, the solar system dust of the Milky Way galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy supercluster dust, dust supercluster first sky, because the sky that there were seven (sab'a samawati). Astronomy science sky just know that one, but the Koran says that there are seven heavens, because according to the Koran that sky we know that a lot of the stars then the sky world (the first heaven). Allah said: Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars, (Surat ash-Saffat: 6)

Has been so great the first sky, was the first sky is the second sky dust, because the sky was an infinite amount of time compared to the first heaven. The third heaven infinite amount of time compared to the second heaven. So on any further up into the sky always infinite times the amount compared to the previous sky, up to the seventh heaven infinite times compared sky sixth and seventh power infinite sky than the first.

So, first sky is the second sky dust, the sky is the third heaven dust, so to seventh heaven, and all seven heavens and all its contents is just dust or smaller in the greatness of God. This is how the Koran led to our understanding of the meaning of Allahu Akbar. Supposedly according to the Koran, that learn to know God is of all His creation. That way we will know how the Supreme magnitude of him, how the Supreme Loving, Most Elaborate, omnipotent, Wills, not only from lafaznya, because we will not get a sense of the real.

Imagine how the Prophet travel to seventh heaven. Actually, the Prophet walked to the seventh heaven if through space or not?
Even if the body of the Prophet is converted into light, then from the Earth to the star Alpha Century within 4 light-years away, the Prophet took four years to get to Alpha Star Century, to take within 10 light years it takes 10 years, to take within 10 bya takes 10 billion years. It seems the Prophet did not pass through the space, but there is not room right there (not into space) but to understand all of it. Where is it?
It turns out both of the first sky ceiling is not stacked like a layer cake (in the context of his Ascension Prophet). Often we think of classic stories that the Prophet Muhammad and the angel Gabriel to get to the seventh sky way up using the stairs, then met the sky is described as a ceiling, then there is no door and a guard. Then the angel Gabriel and Prophet Muhammad asked where to go by the guard heaven. Answered by Angel Gabriel and the Prophet Muhammad that would meet with God. If so, then God is far away. Whereas in the Koran described that God was near, and the Prophet Muhammad knows it. Allah says: And indeed We created man and know what is whispered by him, and We are nearer to him than his neck vein, (Surah Qaf: 16)

Even otherwise also in the Qur'an: And Allah belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn, there is the face of God. Indeed, Allah Area (His grace), Knowing. (Q.S. al-Baqarah [2]: 115)

East and West belong to Allah. Wherever we are facing, then we are dealing with God, because God is our cover. And the Prophet knew exactly that. So to meet God do not need to Sidratil Muntaha. And indeed the Messenger to Sidratil Muntaha not to meet God, because God already includes Messenger, also includes all of us wherever we are.

Goal Isra 'Mi'raj
Isra 'Mi'raj was actually aimed at bringing the Prophet to the highest position to understand how powerful God's creation. For if these things? That is to motivate the Prophet. Why so?

• The story of Isra 'and Mi'raj is true because that is proclaimed the Koran holy book.
• The story of the Mi'raj is true though invisible to us because the logic used in religious truth is the truth of revelation is not reasonable that dieksprimen first, higher revelation than logic.
• Truth Isra 'and Mi'raj Prophet mandatory believed and as for how the Prophet Muhammad and how or kaifiyyat Prophet up to the sky to 7 to Sidratul Muntaha is not an obligation to know, which is an important trust and confidence in the liver while the real way and actually wallahua'lam For many opinions in this regard.
• Logically Isra 'is true and logical. If the Prophet Muhammad is God and heaven and nature of God and in this condition God wants, what is hard? To put it simply like this. If you have a cell phone then you put in the floor and want to move into the pocket, to cabinets, to the top of the bookshelf, not hard is not it? Because HP it is yours. Try if your friends have? Can not you put your heart's content.